domingo, 25 de octubre de 2009



This history relate about a man called Colin Fenton, he was married with Julie a beautiful woman. He and his wife Julie were partners in business, Their Company C.J.F Software Solutions. One day Colin traveled to Brentwood, a small town in Essex. Colin was in Brentwood to teach a computer software course to the administrative staff of a company called Sutton Chemicals. By the afternoon when Colin finished the first day of the course, he had been tired and exhausted. Then he left for the hotel where he was staying.

Colin left his hotel room and went to find a good restaurant to eat dinner. Colin remembered that he before had seen a pub which had a restaurant and he decided to walk there. This place was very crowded and noisy, he saw a man who was identical to him .The two men were unbelievably alike. The other man’s name was John Bentley. His wife Linda Bentley accompanied the man; she was also surprised because they could be twin sisters. Hours later Colin and the husbands Bentley met more. Linda liked so much Colin. She seduced him.

Colin gave her, his number of cell phone to Linda to continue knowing, because Colin had to return to the hotel.

When Colin left the Bentley, they had a discussion, because Linda flirting with Colin. Colin returned to his house with her wife.

One day arrived for surprise Linda's letter for Colin, after he decided to call Linda. They planing find in a hotel in Brentwood.

The day of the meeting, she told Colin if he wanted to earn 10.000 dollars for one evening's easy work, he thought that it was a joke ,she said that the plan was stealing a jeweler's, first he thought enough to gives an answer to her, a time later Colin called to her and accepted.

She immediately said the plan to her husband. He first didn’t want to accept, but then she convinced him and John thought that it maybe was a good business; although the man was behind years in a prison for a robbery, he decided to take a risk on more time.

Weeks after, they were planning the robbery very well to the jeweler's where Linda and john worked.

As John and Colin were identical, the plan would be easier of that thought.

The idea was that Colin left for another part, all people would think that he was John and nobody would suspect of this man. John will be the more suspect because he had been in the prison.

When Colin going to arrive Manchester john and Linda would be making the robbery, they had another advantage the one of knowing the security of the jeweler's very well since they worked there.

Colin decided to make this because he needed it for his business because this was being in the crash and he would have many problems with his wife Julie.

Unfortunately, Colin had an accident. His car crashed on an icy road near Thame in Oxfordshire. Colin died earlier in the evening.

Then the police found the body of Colin and they thought that he was john, they gave the news to Linda that her husband died, but Linda knew that it wasn’t true, however her continuous with the deceit and didn't say the truth to the policemen.

In accident was a man called Mark Ashwood, this man made all the possible to help Colin but finally it was witness of the death of him, but before that, he one died, he gave a message for his wife Julie. When the police arrives he requested them that when they identified the man they gave him the data to give the message to its wife, On Monday Mark knew the name, was John Bentley and that man lived in Brentwood.

When he enters to the house of Ms. Bentley, he saw a man in the top of the stairs. He was identical to the man that died in the accident, but go out running to the room, he also hear that man call Ms. Bentley Linda and no Julie he found very strange everything but he thought that it was an error.

Time later Linda and John made the robbery in the jeweler's and she thought that it was better now because all thought that her husband was dead and they would not suspect of her because he was a poor widow.

Mark arrived home he saw an advice in the newspaper a woman called Julie Fenton looking for her husband Colin he was missing. Mark was surprised because that man of the picture was identical to the one of the accident, he decided to call and Mark and Julie agree to meeting, it arrived home of Colin he tells her the truth, but she don't believe him. Finally, she believes in mark. Both decided to look for the Bentley because they found the truth. When they arrived Linda left, they followed her car. when it she went to look for to john, they decided to face and john sack a arms and it shoots Julie them immediately leaves to a hospital, when they recover they tell the truth to the policemen and them they begin to look for it too for the robbery of the jeweler's, but t they were able to escape.

A lot of time, later Mark and Julie have a great friendship later they discovers that are in love and they decide to live together.

One day when they were resting in the garden of their house Julie looks in the newspaper that the Bentley were caught after 7 years and that Colin will finally be officially dead.




Julie Fenton

John Bentley

Linda Bentley

Mark Ashwood

Great part of the story happened in Brentwood a small town in Exes, just beyond the eastern suburbs of London. On the other hand, in Bath about 200 kilometers away to the west where Colin lived. Also in Oxfordshire is a county to the southeast of England whose capital is Oxford. Where happened the accident of Colin and finally in the jewelery Sandwell’s where happened the robbery made by John.